[conspire] Fwd: Re: Fw: [scv-crfg] passion fruit

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu Aug 29 22:33:39 PDT 2019

Quoting Fred Brockman (fbrock at att.net):

> Greetings from hurricane watch Florida. First know that passion
> flowers are invasive vines on an order with ivy and wild blackberries.
> I had one floral variety plant take over the east side of my yard in
> Hayward with little fear of frost.
> I would guess that P. edulis would grow very happily in Northern CA on
> a southern exposure with lots of sun. On a frost warning you could
> protect it if necessary. In South FL we haven't locally had a freezing
> winter in several years but previously I have used incandescent
> Christmas tree lights on tropical fruit trees sometimes covered with
> old bed sheets secured by clothespins with minimal damage. Young
> plants are much more sensitive to cold.
> Check that whatever variety you plant is self-pollinating. Some
> varieties require pollen from another plant, occasionally not
> genetically identical.

Hey, Fred, thanks for filling us in -- and stay safe, out there.

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