[conspire] Servers and security

Elise Scher elise.scher01 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 29 09:08:04 PDT 2018

Hi Kim and others,
    I hope to learn more about servers and security. I registered for a
Linux class at Foothill College. I just retired from my teaching job and I
hope to tech up again. I used to program for a living.
     I will probably substitute teach, which will give me a whole lot more
time to study.
     I would be happy to help out on projects in order to learn -
especially for schools and non-profits. But I need to be mentored please.

Elise Scher

On Thu, Mar 29, 2018, 07:49 Kim Davalos <kdavalos at sonic.net> wrote:

> Curious about what folks due to harden/secure their servers.
> Specifically I am NOT asking to be told what to do/how to do it.
> More interested in hearing about different practices and approaches,
> e.g., firewall management - iptables/nftables vs something like Check
> Point, limiting installed packages to what is necessary, closing unused
> ports, access restrictions, etc.
> Best would be vigorous debate and disagreement.
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