[conspire] Ancient flamewar public service announcement

Paul Zander paulz at ieee.org
Fri Jun 22 09:46:52 PDT 2018

Right.  I have had this experience increasingly often.  

The address I am using in this email was provided as an alias because I am member of IEEE.   For work related purposes, it might indicate to someone that I have more than some free email.  Also, it has allowed me to change my email hosting several times without bother any else to update their records.
To get my mail service to use it, I had to be able to receive a test message sent to that address.  That is reasonable.
But this blocking by some email receive systems is getting a bit bothersome.

      From: Nick Moffitt <nick at zork.net>
 To: conspire at linuxmafia.com 
 Sent: Friday, June 22, 2018 3:01 AM
 Subject: Re: [conspire] Ancient flamewar public service announcement
On 21Jun2018 04:14PM (-0700), Rick Moen wrote:
> And FYI, to my knowledge every LUG mailing list in the Bay Area except
> a shameful few, that I won't name here, _avoids_ the error of
> force-rewriting posters' headers and overriding their intentions.

Alas, the days of this continuing to work are numbered.  Already a large
number of sites use DKIM and similar techniques to ensure that only
authenticated servers send mail from their domains.  Thus when your
mailing list "reflects" a mail from foo at example.com, the subscriber at
bar at example.com will never see it because mx.example.com rejects it as a

Mailman has begun to support options that absolutely rewrite the From:
header entirely.  This is not a very fun future for e-mail.

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