[conspire] Contact DOJ and tell them to blow it out their ass

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu Mar 16 08:54:15 PDT 2017

Quoting Paul Zander (paulz at ieee.org):

> > I don't care. 
> Like I said:Unfortunatelyinstead of constructive discussions too many people shouting and no oneis listening

He unsubscribed (again), by the way -- and also summarily deleted
without accouncement his 'Hangout' mailing list, one of the other places
where he'd been ranting and picking fights with people.  So, I was
obliged to send this rejoinder offlist to him:

---<forward begins>---

Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 07:11:59 -0700
From: Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com>
To: Ruben Safir <ruben at mrbrklyn.com>
Subject: Re: [Hangout-NYLXS] the end of free education

Quoting Ruben Safir (ruben at mrbrklyn.com):

> On 03/16/2017 12:43 AM, Rick Moen wrote:
> > It doesn't matter whether UC Berkeley has been sued or
> > not, for example, and my pointing out your error is 'fake'.  I see.
> Not in this case but you know that already and are just trolling.

What I was really trying to do was prod you into ceasing the massive
flow of emotionally charged factual inaccuracies and polemical bullshit,
back up, and rationally address the real situation.  Because what you've
been posting just made you upset and generated noise, while
accomplishing nothing at all.

_If_ you were ready for a rational discussion, for example, we might
start here:  DoJ has proposed an enforcmeent action based on Title II
that we both agree is a bad thing and should be fixed.  Have the DoJ
staff in question correctly interpreted and applied Title II in creating
regulatory law?  Either they did, or they didn't.  It's a question of
fact that one can assess by reading Title II and then reading the
resulting CFR provisions and enforcement letter, and comparing.

If the answer is 'no', then DoJ is off the rails, and remedying the
problem you've pointed to becomes simpler:  Either the President
intervenes (after all, DoJ is part of Trump's Executive Branch) or some
motivated group of citizens sues and gets injunction, or Congress acts
saying 'No, that's not what we intended and we're going to slap you
silly with a further legislative directive.'

If the answer is 'yes', then remedying the problem would require
Congress amending Title II, or the courts invalidating it (at least in

Those things work, in exactly the way that spastic ranting on multiple
mailing lists does not.  But you are not ready for a rational
discussion, so there is no point trying to hold one, as experience
suggests you'll just resume yelling and posting link salad from
propaganda sites.

---<forward ends>---

One of several things Ruben refused to let into his thick skull is that
nobody _wants_ UC Berkeley to restrict 20,000 video clips persons with
UCB logins only, not even on an interim basis.  But there's no reaching
this man when he goes transrational.

Other gems of irrationality that y'all had the good fortune to miss on
Hangout-NYLXS prior to his suddenly deleting the mailing list this

Other gems of irrationality that y'all had the good fortune to miss on
Hangout-NYLXS prior to his suddenly deleting the entire mailing list
this morning:

o  It's all Obama's fault.  (Obama had no connection to this.  It's 
   a Title II enforcement initiative by the Trump DoJ.)

o  Liberals want to shut down the world's libraries.  Because reasons.

o  George H.W. Bush signed the evil ADA because he's a liberal.  (Bush
   41 was a Nixon appointee.)

o  The fact that George H.W. Bush expanded Medicare to create a
   'disastrous' drug benefit proves he's a liberal.  (Er, it wasn't 
   Bush 41 who expanded Medicare, but rather his son George W. Bush,
   aka Bush 43.)

Above was asserted accompanied by massive link salad from places like
freerepublic.com.  I suggested a few equally deranged sites Ruben might
also enjoy, such as Laura Ingraham's LifeZette.  ;->

>       From: Ruben Safir <ruben at mrbrklyn.com>
>  To: Paul Zander <paulz at ieee.org>; "conspire at linuxmafia.com" <conspire at linuxmafia.com> 
>  Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 8:24 AM
>  Subject: Re: [conspire] Contact DOJ and tell them to blow it out their ass
> On 03/15/2017 11:19 AM, Paul Zander wrote:
> >  Now there a blind student enrolls. How is that supposed towork?
> I don't care.  Never think I give a damn if a blind person can not read
> books.  I have no inherent desire to fix all the worlds problems, and
> less desire to have the government do so.
> -- 
> So many immigrant groups have swept through our town
> that Brooklyn, like Atlantis, reaches mythological
> proportions in the mind of the world - RI Safir 1998
> http://www.mrbrklyn.com
> DRM is THEFT - We are the STAKEHOLDERS - RI Safir 2002
> http://www.nylxs.com - Leadership Development in Free Software
> http://www2.mrbrklyn.com/resources - Unpublished Archive
> http://www.coinhangout.com - coins!
> http://www.brooklyn-living.com
> Being so tracked is for FARM ANIMALS and and extermination camps,
> but incompatible with living as a free human being. -RI Safir 2013

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