[conspire] Internet Privacy: today's vote and measures to take

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo mail at webthatworks.it
Mon Apr 3 14:59:33 PDT 2017

On 04/03/2017 08:55 PM, Rick Moen wrote:

> I honestly don't understand why so many Linux users resist this idea and
> keep insisting on outsourcing to someone elsewhere.  Sometimes when this

My reasons are:
1) bind and unbound are far more complicated to configure and convince 
to work with a dhcp than dnsmasqd
2) they are more resource demanding and can't be put on a cheap 
replaceable piece of hardware
3) I'm lazy

Considering I may move to a 1Gbit connection and SOHO router may not be 
able to fully exploit it point 2) may be moot.
Once I'll be on more capable hardware and possibly on a fixed IP I may 
simply run bind + dnsmasqd and transfer my home zone to my local bind.
This should make configuring bind and dhcp and all the magic that 
dnsmasqd does much easier.

However my dnsmasqd configuration uses several external DNS that should 
make it a bit harder to reconstruct my surfing history.

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
http://www.webthatworks.it http://www.borgonovo.net

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