[conspire] Warning: You'll never get your time back from this thread

Tony Godshall togo at of.net
Wed May 18 17:01:00 PDT 2016

> For example, when you plug your smartphone or tablet into a public charging
> station, you can't always be sure the station hasn't been modded (via
> addition of a Raspberry Pi, or similar device) so it sneaks malware onto
> attached devices.
> I have one USB cable that has a user-operated switch in the middle that
> turns off data transfers.

I had an android phone i plugged into an airline-provided usb jack one
time ask me if it was ok to allow it to access my storage.  i promptly
unplugged it, wishing i'd had more foresight.  i plugged it into a
battery, and plugged the battery into the aircraft charger.

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