[conspire] The simpler life

Don Marti dmarti at zgp.org
Sat Sep 26 15:42:09 PDT 2015

begin Nick Moffitt quotation of Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 02:45:54PM +0000:
> Don Marti:
> > Pandoc is great.  If you read this...  http://practicaltypography.com/
> > ...and want to make some of the methods there work without too much
> > extra tweaking and relying on the "Compose" key (
> > http://practicaltypography.com/straight-and-curly-quotes.html) then
> > pandoc conversion of CommonMark to HTML is the thing.
> I currently use pandoc's own native markdown defaults with the options
> you can see at <http://zork.net/~nick/.podcast/Makefile>.  In particular
> `--smart` switches on exactly this sort of UTF-8 quote-curling logic.

Very similar to mine.  (Mine usually have "spell"
and "deploy" targets.  The package install thing is
a good idea.)

> > (CommonMark is the attempt to make Markdown more consistent between
> > sites and tools.  It would be especially welcome for Pandoc, ikiwiki,
> > and GitHub Pages not to have annoying inconsistencies.  The author of
> > Pandoc is the main author of the CommonMark spec.
> > https://github.com/jgm/CommonMark)
> It does seem to me that McFarlane's goal is to make CommonMark the new
> baseline for pandoc markdown, with things that didn't make it in pushed
> to non-default options.
> The spec has been pretty stable for the past six months or so, but is
> still actively developed.  

At work, we're using Jekyll (http://www.scylladb.com/)
so the more that different variants of
(Common)Mark(down) match up, the fewer opportunities
I have to mess up.

Don Marti <dmarti at zgp.org>                   
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