[conspire] New TLD

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Sep 25 01:02:04 PDT 2015

(aka 'What to do with your spare Class C network:)

$ traceroute -m 100 bad.horse
traceroute to bad.horse (, 100 hops max, 40 byte packets
 1 (  1640.990 ms  1643.303 ms  1645.362 ms
 2  ge1-8.RawBW-demarc.sfo4.reliablehosting.com (  1643.183 ms  1647.352 ms  1647.507 ms
 3  30gigabitethernet2-1.core1.pao1.he.net (  1645.230 ms  1649.287 ms  1649.271 ms
 4  10ge3-1.core1.sjc2.he.net (  1651.463 ms  1651.474 ms  1653.399 ms
 5  10ge14-6.core1.den1.he.net (  1705.465 ms  1705.485 ms  1707.545 ms
 6  10ge6-1.core1.msp1.he.net (  1708.819 ms  1042.429 ms  1043.285 ms
 7  ip-house.gigabitethernet3-6.core1.msp1.he.net (  1043.257 ms  1041.923 ms  1041.904 ms
 8  c4500-1.mpls.iphouse.net (  1041.270 ms  1043.367 ms  1043.248 ms
 9  egw-iphouse.mplsc1.mn.us.sn11.net (  1044.668 ms  1043.940 ms  1044.446 ms
10  sandwichnet.dmarc.lga1.atlanticmetro.net (  1179.952 ms  1160.842 ms  1163.319 ms
11  bad.horse (  1162.685 ms  1162.349 ms  1460.004 ms
12  bad.horse (  1456.004 ms  1454.415 ms  1456.124 ms
13  bad.horse (  1468.047 ms  1466.583 ms  1465.959 ms
14  bad.horse (  1532.826 ms  1532.102 ms  1530.738 ms
15  he.rides.across.the.nation (  1532.363 ms  1465.795 ms  1505.099 ms
16  the.thoroughbred.of.sin (  1502.636 ms  1503.303 ms  1503.848 ms
17  he.got.the.application (  1032.704 ms  1032.692 ms  1031.357 ms
18  that.you.just.sent.in (  1032.285 ms  1016.688 ms  1018.514 ms
19  it.needs.evaluation (  1019.500 ms  954.421 ms  956.073 ms
20  so.let.the.games.begin (  958.079 ms  954.315 ms  887.129 ms
21  a.heinous.crime (  816.503 ms  818.572 ms  817.825 ms
22  a.show.of.force (  818.601 ms  421.673 ms  421.647 ms
23  a.murder.would.be.nice.of.course (  433.587 ms  433.100 ms  433.961 ms
24  bad.horse (  436.741 ms  436.558 ms  502.340 ms
25  bad.horse (  503.880 ms  502.222 ms  503.186 ms
26  bad.horse (  502.978 ms  500.597 ms  500.850 ms
27  he-s.bad (  500.771 ms  499.263 ms  678.195 ms
28  the.evil.league.of.evil (  680.223 ms  688.336 ms  689.852 ms
29  is.watching.so.beware (  698.234 ms  695.399 ms  695.116 ms
30  the.grade.that.you.receive (  631.255 ms  628.552 ms  630.176 ms
31  will.be.your.last.we.swear (  625.159 ms  627.525 ms  628.826 ms
32  so.make.the.bad.horse.gleeful (  678.599 ms  678.982 ms  678.592 ms
33  or.he-ll.make.you.his.mare (  667.855 ms  664.307 ms  654.924 ms
34  o_o (  652.863 ms  644.228 ms  643.354 ms
35  you-re.saddled.up (  645.377 ms  642.104 ms  643.958 ms
36  there-s.no.recourse (  643.932 ms  656.414 ms  658.466 ms
37  it-s.hi-ho.silver (  461.795 ms  461.748 ms  463.767 ms
38  signed.bad.horse (  465.343 ms  465.846 ms  468.398 ms

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