[conspire] CIA chief Brennan hints new gov't initiative against crypto

Ruben Safir ruben at mrbrklyn.com
Thu Nov 26 01:54:47 PST 2015

On 11/26/2015 01:54 AM, Rick Moen wrote:
> In cases like this, instead of saying 'you are suffering a failure
> of understanding and perspective', I like to offer monetary wagers to
> clarify things.
> I'm going to offer you 3:1 betting odds.

I don't bet money, as you already know, and you would be right, your
terms would likely assure your winning.  Your idea of vast swaths will
take longer than what my idea is.  I'm the one that grew up in East New
York, so I have a good idea what I speak of, and it is not what you
speak of.


I'm pretty certain the residents of Brussels are feeling under military
occupation this week, because dragnets, crewfews, closures of businesses
and a large presence of military personal on the streets are indeed
occupation conditions.

[listadmin's note:  The very long remainder of this posting 
has been removed from the archive, as the poster violated at 
great length the listadmin's requirement that he not pursue this

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