[conspire] MIT Classes

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu May 14 01:31:56 PDT 2015

Quoting Dire Red (deirdre at deirdre.net):

> Rick mentioned to me that Ruben was back. We’ve been trekking back and
> forth between hospital and home, so I think that welcoming him back
> got lost somewhere in the middle.

Deirdre's reference is to:

If visiting the ill is a mitzvah, my account brimmeth over, of late.

> Sorry about that Ruben, welcome back.

Indeed, you are always welcome, sir.

Cheers,          I'm ashamed at how often I use a thesaurus.  I mean bashful. 
Rick Moen        Embarrassed!  Wait--humiliated.  Repentant.  Chagrined!  Sh*t!
rick at linuxmafia.com                                        -- @cinemasins
McQ! (4x80)        

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