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Don Marti dmarti at zgp.org
Mon Feb 23 14:49:09 PST 2015

begin Rick Moen quotation of Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 02:37:07PM -0800:

> Eric's assessment is spot-on.  Ever since joining the workforce, I've
> noticed that, at many firms, it is expected that employees will politely
> disregard occasional obvious whoppers from management, _but_ the
> technical employees will nonetheless act like they never got that memo,
> tending to _resent_ being treated as if they were really stupid.  It's a
> common cultural difference between our crowd and the general population.

This might be why "agile development" has caught on.

Typical organizations promulgate bullshit as a way
to give members an opportunity to signal loyalty.
If bullshit-belief is relatively costlier for some
members of the group than others, it's better to
substitute attire or ritual as an opportunity for


Don Marti                    
dmarti at zgp.org

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