[conspire] How not to do antispam, latest in a continuing series

Don Marti dmarti at zgp.org
Mon Feb 23 08:01:51 PST 2015

begin Rick Moen quotation of Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 02:43:28AM -0800:

> Still running in 2015 ridiculously antique, EOLed and unmaintained,
> proprietary majordomo mailing list software that wasn't justifable after
> the 1990s?  Simple:  'I hate Python' (as of Sympa and Majordomo2 didn't
> exist).
> See, this is where you're a special case.  You're not paying attention
> or lazy or indifferent like the other people.  Instead, you work _hard_
> at being ineducable and frenetically rejecting expert advice, rather
> than just achieving that state passively.
> This is something of a special talent, and worthy of respect.

It's not as special of a talent as it looks if you
only look at public mailing lists.

Most people with this talent are in Corporate IT,
and the special talent is displayed in PowerPoint
slides never seen outside company HQ.  The special
thing is doing it in the open.

Don Marti                    
dmarti at zgp.org

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