[conspire] How not to do antispam, latest in a continuing series

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sat Feb 21 17:29:41 PST 2015

Quoting Ruben Safir (ruben at mrbrklyn.com):

> I have both going on, actually.

Just to be really clear (though I was specific in my wording):  There is
nothing wrong with _filtering_ (discarding or spamboxing) after SMTP
acceptance (if that's useful to you).  The thing you want to be careful
to _not_ do after SMTP acceptance is _reject_ accepted mail.

Occasionally, I find people who think that's nonetheless a good idea
because blah blah blah:  I'm no longer willing to waste time arguing
with them.  They'll have to figure the world of 2015 out the hard way --
just like the guys who tell me that ethernet cable specs can be abused
with impunity & want to run tight-radius corners, etc.

The interesting thing about giving out good advice without charging
money for it is that there is an endless supply of people who will value
it at acquisition cost and reject it out of hand.  But I am not trying
to twist their arms.  If I wanted to persuade _those_ people, I'd be
charging them a lot of money, which is how you get their attention.

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