[conspire] Happy autumn; change to CABAL schedule

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Mon Sep 23 18:24:21 PDT 2013

THe colder weather is upon us, and, if we're lucky enough to still have
dry weather for further CABAL days in 2013, I'm definitely going to be
firing up the outdoor woodstove heater (chiminea).

Since CABAL meetings in late fall / winter are less fun, I am dropping
the 4th-Saturday meeting day until further notice.  So, CABAL will now
be _2nd_ Saturdays only, and here are our meeting days through the end
of the year:

Sat. Oct. 12
Sat. Nov. 9
Sat. Dec. 14

(One reason I'm cancelling the Sept. 28th date is that I'm going to be
off celebrating my quaint ethnic folkways:
http://www.sofn.com/Events/public/show/1326 )

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