[conspire] tip: restore edge-scrolling when your distro decides multitouch means you don't need edge-scrolling anymore [Re: more re touchscreen / tablet style scrolling and touchpad manipulation]

Tony Godshall togo at of.net
Mon May 13 13:52:39 PDT 2013

Got multitouch?  Sure, so now you all will happily convert to
two-finger everywhere, and we can just turn off your touchpad's
edge-scrolling, right?  No?  OK, then:

for id in $(xinput list|perl -ne 'if(m{TouchPad.*id=([0-9]+)}){print "$1\n"}')
    xinput set-prop $id "Synaptics Edge Scrolling" 1 1 0

#credit to:
# http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/52339/can-i-configure-my-laptops-touchpad-to-only-do-scrolling

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