[conspire] more Re: tip- touchscreen / table style scrolling

Tony Godshall togo at of.net
Mon May 6 16:02:34 PDT 2013

> if you are like me, the first time you touched Apple Lion (OSX
> update), you went WTF!?  It scrolls backwards!?  Yup, it's called
> "Natural Scrolling" and it seems wrong wrong wrong.  (And they don't
> let you scroll the touchpad edge but rather you use two fingers, but I
> digress.) Until you get a laptop with a touch-screen.  Suddenly, you
> expect the stuff on the screen to scroll like it does on your android
> phone, on your tablet.  And then, if you have a touchpad or a
> wheel-mouse that's "backwards" from your touchscreen.  And then it
> seems wrong to have one backwards from the other.  Anyhow, here's how
> I took the plunge.  I'm going back to window managers without all
> the heavy gnome / kde / unity dumbing down heaviness, and I move from
> machine to machine a bit, so I'm looking for programmatic ways to take
> my settings along. So I script my settings here so I can apply them
> there.  Anyhow, this is how I applied scroll reversal:
> # apt-get update && apt-get install xinput
> for id in $(xinput list|perl -ne
> 'if(m{XTEST}){}elsif(m{id=([0-9]+).*slave.*pointer}){print "$1\n"}');
> do xinput set-button-map $id $(xinput get-button-map $id|perl -pe 's{
> 4 5 }{ 5 4 }'); done

Of course this reverses scroll wheel overall, which, as I discovered
today means wheel mouse and edge-scrolling now do zoom in/zoom out
wrong in web-browser maps.

You just can't win.


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