[conspire] Bad hardware category HP Printers [was Re: Bad hardware categories (wasL: July 13th CABAL meeting cancelled)]]

Tony Godshall togo at of.net
Tue Jul 2 13:38:42 PDT 2013

> PCL6 is also useful to look for.  Both PCL6 and PostScript suggests a
> winner.

But beware "PCL6e" aka "HP sells PCL out" aka "PCL in name only" aka
"they call it PCL but its really a winprinter"


Oddly, PCL5e is OK (same article, scroll up)

Here's a table of HP printers that's kept somewhat up to date by IBM:


It's a handy place to disqualify printers quickly (e.g. "Y" in the
"host-based" column).

It's less handly as a place to identify printers to buy (the churn at
HP is such that most of the printers in the table are unavailable).


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