[conspire] linux computer repair in san francisco?

Tony Godshall togo at of.net
Tue Jul 2 09:23:58 PDT 2013

I've had good luck with Tech Collective in the Mission


Of course, I always remove the hard drive when I send a computer in
for repairs, so the OS is never an issue

And, like Rick says, boot from a LiveCD (acutal CD or stick).  If it
works fine after booting off the stick, it's not the main hardware.
Might be a good time to upgrade the hard drive, give it a fresh OS
install, and xfer the data files- see Rick's recently referenced
excellent documentation the subject.

On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 9:48 PM, jim <jim at systemateka.com> wrote:
>     Someone with a "Ubuntu laptop" has asked me to
> point them to a shop in SF that can repair their
> non-working machine.
>     I like ActNet in SF for computer repairs, they're
> great for hardware, but they're a Windows shop.
>     But what if the problem's not with the hardware?
> I'd like to know of someone in SF who's adept at
> Linux and laptop goodness.
>     Any suggestions?
> Hopefully, with thanks,
> jim
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Best Regards.
This is unedited.

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