[conspire] Ceph distributed filesystem

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Sep 14 21:11:59 PDT 2012

Quoting Ehud Kaldor (ehud.kaldor at gmail.com):

> a small side comment:
> not that i don't trust Rick spam filter, the structure of
> "this looks great! check it out!
> <link>"
> is very specific to spam and hoaxes.

Allthough you're overdrawing this point a bit ('Looks interesting' 
not being a typical comment-spam catchphrase -- not to mention that
spam and hoaxes about filesystems aren't exactly common), Adrien, it
_would_ be appreciated if you could spend a minute, while composing such
posts, saying what's interesting about the provided link.   Just a few
words are typically enough, and appreciated.  Thanks.

Cheers,                    Remember:  The day after tomorrow is the third day
Rick Moen                  of the rest of your life.
rick at linuxmafia.com
McQ!  (4x80)

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