[conspire] Book Burning continues thanks to the Feds

Luke S Crawford lsc at prgmr.com
Thu Mar 24 16:51:18 PDT 2011

Ruben Safir <ruben at mrbrklyn.com> writes:

> Eventually, Google or someone else is going to start to pull this apart
> with serious lobbying and political muscle, until the statutes are
> clarified, and altered as necessary to end the impedment of information
> revolution.  Then those copyright robber barons will be in serious
> trouble as the ridicules business models for these scum is finally taken
> apart piece by piece.

I do not think Google is the champion of public interest you are looking 

The problem with google is that they have no incentive to strengthen fair
use for anyone but themselves.   Look at what they did with the android
kernel;  they followed the letter of the rules, but they put little effort
into getting their kernel changes upstream where they would benefit the rest 
of us.   

I'm not saying that makes google evil;  they did follow the rules and 
contribute patches back;  you aren't required to do anything besides
throwing your patches over the fence.   But it is clear that they 
are not altruistic;  if they can get around copyright without making
it easier for anyone else to do so, they will.   Bonus for them, as it
makes the competition spend a lot on lawyers.  

>From my (layman's) reading of the court case we are discussing, this is
what google is doing in this case;  they are attempting to make a separate
peace where they have special rights that their competition doesn't have 
(at least not without spending a huge amount of money on lawyers and the like)

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