[conspire] ISP

Tony Godshall tony at of.net
Thu Jun 16 17:14:52 PDT 2011

On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 9:57 AM, Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> wrote:
> Quoting Tony Godshall (tony at of.net):
>> The downside of raw bandwidth you to to pay AT&T for a voice line
>> in order to get rawbw's services.
> True, residential aDSL does depend on the telco PTSN local loop being
> available.  We happen to have landline service for the house, so that's
> OK in our usage scenario.

Update- RawBW is a CLEC now, and is oferring ADSL2 over bare copper
in some places.  I'm upgrading in 13 days- two pairs 4Mbps per line capability
each at my distance from the CO- I'm getting the 6Mbps service with the
prepay discount.

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