[conspire] Tony = dizzy

bruce coston jane_ikari at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 22 21:54:57 PST 2011

contains the updates , In summary : The Pardus corporate 2 = a great live cd and don't attempt the debian mint . Gotta install ? Stick with lenny unless other stuff gets a lot better . I'm stuck in the Pardus install for now and got all my data back . Some people enjoy users less picky than mine . 

   1. Re: Linux Mint Debian now with KDE4.444 (Tony Godshall)
   2. more from attempted kde3 land (bruce coston)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 16:28:12 -0800
From: Tony Godshall <tony at of.net>
To: bruce coston <jane_ikari at yahoo.com>
Cc: conspire at linuxmafia.com
Subject: Re: [conspire] Linux Mint Debian now with KDE4.444
    <AANLkTimTR=xYbd+0fav8+_vVpiF-K-CPgyYksyBEPviG at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Dude, I'm getting really dizzy.

Best Regards.

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 19:21, bruce coston <jane_ikari at yahoo.com> wrote:

> #1 , My bad , not actually in their  " kde4 " yet . Now that I'm in kde
> 4.444 , I can't move panel to the side no matter what . I'm seriously...

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