[conspire] Printing , yet again

bruce coston jane_ikari at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 22 08:59:49 PST 2011

Just pulled an amazing recovery of basic printing with color on my ip4200 . It took hours under a trickle of hot water to make the printhead flow this well . And the severe pain called priming . It's a pity we missed printing our X-mass letter on our canon due to the ink refusing to flow after half a page . When you try to flow Ink through 1 picoliter nozzles ; I got better results with ' Durafirm Technology ' ink and don't recommend computer friends . My advice may not apply to all printers using Canon's BCI-8 cartridges . With the slight paste in some of my ciss. tanks , I'll try printing every day to keep things going as flowing the paste ink already purchased does not increase expenses . 
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