[conspire] recording activities of authorities [Re: Idiot waiver demands]

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Oct 12 12:27:14 PDT 2010

Quoting Ehud Kaldor (ehud.kaldor at gmail.com):

> Ruben,
> you raise many points. i'm sure most of my answers won't appease you, but
> i'll try:

Guys, although there's nothing wrong with civilised, sane offtopic
banter, you really should wrap it up.  If Ruben insists on moving to 
Hebron just because his family was from there, he'll do it:  One
strongly suspects a certain amount of Internet theatrics in his
continually reiterating his family connection and reciting the whole
Eretz Yisrael ha shlemah shtick, if you'll pardon the expression, and
then asking advice on 'settlements'.

OK, Ruben, enough with the consciousness-raising / trolling (pick any two),
already.  You did manage to set off one of our local nutcases on a
psychoceramic binge, so you can carve a notch on your wall and _wind it
up_.  At the end of the day, we have to get back to being a LUG mailing
list, and take the other stuff to your nearest shuk or souq, as suits
you best.

Salaam aleikum, y'all.  

(To the uninitiated: sorry about all those foreign phrases.  It's all
Norwegian.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.)

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