[conspire] CABAL meeting tomorrow (also, webmail security discussed here)

Edward Cherlin echerlin at gmail.com
Thu Nov 26 12:30:40 PST 2009

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 17:51, Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> wrote:

> Really, my old Motorola RAZRv3 was perfectly fine.  Damned shame I lost
> it.  Touchscreen?  3G?  I don't actually need those.

I won't consider buying a new phone, short of the old one going
through the wash, until Mary Lou Jepsen's Pixel Qi sunlight readable
screens have taken over the market. I wouldn't complain at GPS, but I
mostly want my phone to work as a phone.

Edward Mokurai (默雷/धर्ममेघशब्दगर्ज/دھرممیگھشبدگر ج) Cherlin
Silent Thunder is my name, and Children are my nation.
The Cosmos is my dwelling place, the Truth my destination.

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