[conspire] Moving to Indiana

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Wed Nov 25 17:25:02 PST 2009

Quoting Edward Cherlin (echerlin at gmail.com):

> As I told Cabal attendees, my family is moving to Indiana next month
> to assist my aging parents-in-law. I will remain on Conspire. I have
> located LUGs and other such organizations to work with there, and will
> continue to spread Linux and other Free Software in schools, museums,
> and government.

Ed, thank you for your many years of in-person participation at our 
meetings, and I hope your family enjoys the Hoosier experience!

Rick Moen             "Avoid using 'decimate', as someone will pipe up about it
rick at linuxmafia.com   meaning 'remove 1/10th of', and those people are dicks."
                                                           -- FakeAPStylebook

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