[conspire] July schedule posted

Don Marti dmarti at zgp.org
Wed Jul 1 08:40:43 PDT 2009

begin Rick Moen quotation of Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 07:32:43PM -0700:

> CABAL's calendar, on http://linuxmafia.com/cabal/ is a flat HTML file
> that I periodically update using vi -- which suits me, because it's
> simple, lightweight, and has very little software to break.  Tony is
> asking how he can "subscribe to it", i.e., to the calendar portion of
> http://linuxmafia.com/cabal/ via iCAL, impliedly using RSS, I would
> guess.

There's "hCalendar" --

HTML markup to indicate that something is an event.
All regular HTML, no extra software on the server
side required.

There are tools to extract hCal to an original
ICalendar/ics file.

Don Marti                                 +1 510-332-1587 mobile
dmarti at zgp.org
See you at OpenSource World: August 11-13, 2009 in San Francisco

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