[conspire] Ready to go

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Dec 18 20:48:59 PST 2009

Quoting Edward Cherlin (echerlin at gmail.com):

> We got rid of all our old, broken electronics at All Computer
> http://www.allcomputer.com/, the only place that would take all of our
> electronics, including the broken-down UPSes, so we're ready for the
> junk pickup tomorrow, loading on Sunday, and head out to Indiana. I'm
> sorry I haven't been around to see anybody lately, but sorting and
> packing has been all-consuming.

Have a very good trip, Ed, and please give my best regards to Clement.
Stay warm!

Rick Moen                 "Do not bracket nonrestrictive phrases with commas.
rick at linuxmafia.com       Nonrestrictive phrases yearn to be free and feel the 
                          wind in their hair."              -- FakeAPStylebook

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