[conspire] New Ubuntu Hardy Heron, version 8.04.1

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Wed Jul 9 08:27:46 PDT 2008

Mark Weisler:
> On Wednesday 09 July 2008 04:11:23 Nick Moffitt wrote:
> > 8.04.1 is still Hardy, so tracking hardy will get you the new point
> > version.
> You're right Nick. An apt-get upgrade will take a computer from 8.04 to 
> 8.04.1...

Most Debian developers really regret the naming of the apt-get 'upgrade'
and 'dist-upgrade' subcommands.  In most cases, 'upgrade' is way more
conservative than you want to be, and you should just get in the habit
of doing 'dist-upgrade' wherever possible.  

Of course, if you're upgrading between releases, the safest bet is the
'do-release-upgrade' command.

"Some of us figured out in the 1950s                     Nick Moffitt
that blacklists were a bad idea.                        nick at zork.net
Some of us have that lesson still ahead of us."
           -- John Gilmore, on RBLs.

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