[conspire] PING (Partimage Is Not Ghost) -- Backup and Restore Disk Partitions

David Fox dfox94085 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 22 14:19:38 PST 2008

On 2/22/08, K Sandoval <indigo.kai at gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone have any experience with PING?

I checked out the web page (http://ping.windowsdream.com/). It seems
like a valuable tool to have.

I know Bruce has been doing some partition saving and restoring lately
on his various laptops. Me, I've  not gone that route - the few times
in the past when I needed (or wanted) to have partitions moved
elsewhere (for instance, /home on hda1 instead of somewhere else) I
made sure I had a place that was big enough to hold the whole
partition, and then I'd do something like;

cd dir; tar cvf - | (cd /mnt/somewhere; tar xf -)

This would set up a tar of all the files in the directory on the left
hand side of the pipe, and at the same time put them over on the other
side of the pipe. There probably are other ways to do this as well,
but the end result should be all the files put in the new place, and
then you can reuse the "old" directory for some other purpose, change
your fstab settings and etc.

You can do the partition "ghosting" with other command line tools as
well (such as dd). I seem to remember that was the approach Bruce used
(with suggestions from Daniel).

> I am looking at disk imaging software for various reasons, and would
> like to know if anyone here has any hands on experience with creating
> disk images and restoring those images.
> Thanks,
> - Kai
> p.s. watch out for the rain...
> --
> Ms.Kai Sandoval
> http://www.linkedin.com/pub/1/677/a41
> http://people.tribe.net/da12c6fd-0b2e-4ba6-ac41-b760bdbe9675
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