[conspire] Parts is Parts

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Wed Apr 9 10:59:12 PDT 2008

Quoting David Fox (dfox94085 at gmail.com):

> (all on one line, folks) :)
> http://www.centralcomputers.com/commerce/ccp54686--23an42-antec-nine-hundred-gaming-mid-tower-gaming-ninehundred-casantnine1r.htm
> This one seems a *bit* overkill, though
> http://www.centralcomputers.com/commerce/ccp28218--supermicro-cse-743i-r760b-tower-triple-redundant-cse-743i-r760b-cassup743i1r.htm

They're _both_ a little ludicrous, if you ask me.  Having the fans be
large-diametre is nice, but _four_ case fans on the first model (not
counting the PSU's) seems a bit much.  Why not just mount your
motherboard in a wind-tunnel and have done with it?  

And space for _nine_ drives?  Who puts nine drives in a workstation?
Who even needs the capability?

Gamers.  Feh.

> They do have an Antec Sonata III there too, $119 approx - two
> different models, in fact.

Hmm, I see Sonata Plus, Sonata Designer, and Sonata III.  Little
information on each; mostly price and the fact that they're shown as
bundled with (unspecified) 500-500W PSUs.

A few years back, what won Cheryl and me over to their predecessor was 
eyeballing various cases inside the Santa Clara store.  Cheryl selected
a reasonably attractive, unobtrusive black mid-tower case that seemed to
have rational design:  USB and audio ports on the front top, reasonable
number of drive bays and layout, superb fit and finish, seemingly good
air flow.  Add a quality PSU, and we were done.

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