[conspire] Seeking Good Bookstore for IT Books in the Area

Mike Higashi mhigashi at gmail.com
Sat Apr 5 10:42:58 PDT 2008

On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 5:28 AM, Paul Collins <paul at burly.ondioline.org> wrote:
> Nick Moffitt <nick at zork.net> writes:
>  > Not the peninsula, but:
>  >
>  >       http://www.staceys.com/
>  Dangerous place, that.  The last time I went in there a sort of
>  red mist descended, and when I came to I was out on the sidewalk
>  laden with bags, several hundred dollars poorer.

I can attest that if you're walking down a particular block of
Market street in San Francisco, your feet will often make an
uncontrollable turn and you end up inside Stacey's.

Make sure to sign up for their member's club if you go. It's free
to join, gets you a discount on book purchases, and also can
get other discounts and rewards.

If I'm not purchasing directly from the publisher, I prefer to buy
at independent stores like Stacey's.


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