[conspire] GPL infringement case settled

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Oct 30 17:59:37 PDT 2007

Quoting Adrien Lamothe (a_lamothe at yahoo.com):

> Saw this on linux.com:
>   http://www.linux.com/feature/120629
> Not a big deal, but interesting that the plaintiffs are seeking
> penalties, else a signal is sent to future GPL violators that the only
> penalty is a desist order if someone bothers to bring a case to court
> and win.

Note that the copyright violator, Monsoon Multimedia, is just over in
San Mateo, on N. Amphlett, the west frontage road to US-101.

Plaintiffs aren't merely seeking a monestary settlement but have
recently secured agreement to pay.  (Exact terms are undisclosed.)
In exchange for that plus some positive measures on Monsoon's behalf to
prevent future licence violations, plaintiffs have agreed to dismiss
their lawsuit.

(Rob Landley, one of the two plaintiffs, is a friend of mine.)

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