[conspire] Kubuntu & Automatix

John Andrews jla1200 at netzero.net
Sun Nov 11 17:44:25 PST 2007

	I found a slick way to get Automatix for Gusty Kubuntu.
Just copy and paste each instruction into the terminal. Voila
Automatix is downloaded and set up on your computer. Slick as shit.
It looked very professional to me. You can search getautomatix .com 
for other distros.

From terminal do the following (ONE LINE AT A TIME HITTING ENTER AFTER EACH 
First Step: 
 echo "deb http://www.getautomatix.com/apt gutsy main" | sudo 
tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list

Second Step: 
 wget http://www.getautomatix.com/keys/automatix2.key

Third Step: 
 gpg --import automatix2.key

Fourth Step: 
gpg --export --armor E23C5FC3 | sudo apt-key add -

Fifth Step: 
 sudo apt-get update

Sixth Step: 
 sudo apt-get install automatix2

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