[conspire] OT freekenneth.com Urgent. Please help. Thanks.

Deirdre Saoirse Moen deirdre at deirdre.net
Mon Aug 27 12:34:58 PDT 2007

On Aug 27, 2007, at 12:11 PM, Rick Moen wrote:

> I respect considered acts of conscience, as you know, but exercise
> thereof is irrelevant to determining whether something is excessively
> offtopic for a technical mailing list.  John knew that this post was,
> because I told him so in no uncertain terms, explicitly speaking as
> listadmin, a week ago.

The problem is that no one's interested in solely one subject.

I'm interested in A, B, C, but I feel very strongly about C and not  
so strongly about B.
You're interested in A, B, D, but you feel very strongly about B.
Person 3 may be interested in A, Q, and Z.

The problem with off-topic stuff is that the probability that the  
list for topic A will be interested in topic Q is small, and someone  
will therefore annoy most of the people who don't care about topic Q  
when it's posted about.

It's perfectly normal to Person 3 that Topic Q is important. They may  
be on a number of lists on the topic and spend a great deal of their  
time (and maybe even their working hours) on the subject.

It's perfectly normal to nearly everyone BUT Person 3 that Topic Q is  
not a pressing issue in their lives.

Therein lies the rub.

Personally? I don't care. Really.

I care far more about developing cures for disease than about some  
jerk who was under the influence, committed armed robbery, and, in  
the process of same, other members of the group killed someone. That  
said, I'm not going to be spamming the list about various disease cures.

_Deirdre                                             http://deirdre.net

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