[conspire] best Knoppix-like (read: live CD) distro for NTFS read/write?

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu Oct 19 15:51:40 PDT 2006

Quoting Nick Moffitt (nick at zork.net):

> Don't forget that Ubuntu is now a LiveCD distribution as well.  The
> Dapper and Edgy install CDs are livecds with an "install" icon on the
> desktop.

Very true.  However, my understanding is that neither Dapper nor Edgy
include the cited ntfs-3g driver in the default kernels.  Hence, the
Desktop images wouldn't be a good choice unless you remastered them (or
at minimum compiled and insmod'ed the driver).  

(Of course, it turns out that Eric's friend doesn't need cutting-edge
R/W support -- or any kind of R/W support -- so Dapper _would_ be fine,
as would pretty much any live CD with NTFS support.)

I have to admit that I do like the next branch's name, just announced
the other day:  'Fiesty Fawn'.  There's going to be some pretty lowbrow
humour about that, though.

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