[conspire] (forw) ANNOUNCEMENT: B.A.D. Meeting 2006-06-14 7p-? Jing Jing, Palo Alto

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Jun 13 15:20:26 PDT 2006

This is tomorrow (Wednesday).  Deirdre and I will be attending.  Care to
join us?  Then, you'll want to post your intention today to the Bay Area
Debian mailing list (http://bad.debian.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/bad)
-- which you'll need to join, first.

Closing time for Jing Jing is 9:30 PM, FYI.  It's just north of University
Ave., across the street from the Aquarius Theatre cinema.  Food is
really good, there.

----- Forwarded message from Joshua Kwan <joshk at triplehelix.org> -----

Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2006 23:21:49 -0700
From: Joshua Kwan <joshk at triplehelix.org>
To: bad at bad.debian.net
Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: B.A.D. Meeting 2006-06-14 7p-? Jing Jing, Palo Alto

Who:     We, Bay Area Debian (BAD)
What:    are going to the BAD meeting
When:    2006-06-14 7:00 P.M. PST until as long as they'll have us and
         us them
Where:   Jing Jing Szechwan and Hunan Gourmet Restaurant
         443 Emerson St.
         Palo Alto, CA 94301
Why:     Because we are sorely lacking in South Bay BAD meetings and I
         seriously can't be arsed to drive up to Oakland or Berkeley
         when not around for school.

Details, etc.:

To ensure a place at dinner, reply to list by 6/13 at latest.

You may recall this location as the one Aaron M. Ucko chose (where
Marcelo Tosatti, maintainer of the 2.4 kernel, was present!) and I am of
the belief that well enough should be left alone.

Keysignings welcome.  If you want a keyring, make one.

The venue: http://www.jingjinggourmet.com


  How to get there?

    Map: http://www.jingjinggourmet.com/2005/map.asp

    CalTrain: Apparently it's very close, check transit.511.org.

    Parking in Palo Alto is dodgy at best, so carpool or take public
    transportation if at all possible! ITT discuss such travel

  Free Wi-Fi?

    Nah. How about putting our computers away and just enjoying nerdy
    company and conversation.

    Plus, if anyone needs their fix, what the hell, man. It's freakin'
    /Palo Alto/.

    Seriously though, if anyone thinks this is completely unacceptable,
    a significant consensus will probably get the location changed.

  AC outlets available?

    I think so, but see above.

  Legitimacy of this announcement?


Joshua Kwan
bad mailing list
bad at bad.debian.net

----- End forwarded message -----

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