[conspire] deep drilling to get older monitor's refresh rates

Eric De Mund ead-conspire at ixian.com
Tue Dec 12 18:41:06 PST 2006

Gentlemen, Ladies, Rogues, Ruffians, and Bounders,

Just in case I'm the last one to have discovered this sometimes last re-
maining cache of stored computer monitor (refresh rate) specifications,
read on.

My February 2000-manufactured Sun GDM-5410 monitor finally became too
washed out to read, and so I had to pull and deploy an old November
2000-manufactured Envision EN-910 monitor down from the spares shelf.
(Thank you to whichever Conspirator/Cabalist gave this to me a year or
two ago; I appreciate it.)

Remarkably, at least to me, no Google search turned up any pages listing
refresh rates for this beast for me to enter into my </etc/X11/xorg.conf>
file. The closest I could find was an Envision EN-910e, and that page
only listed its horizontal refresh rate.

Next I turned to driverzone.org where, after some deep drilling, I was
able to find a link to a Windows <Envision.exe> executable. "Crumb!" I

However, poking around elsewhere, I read that some of these Windows
.exe's are actually little more than .zip archives, so I returned to
<Envision.exe> and attempted to unzip it. Success! Spilling out like
candies from a ruptured pinata were the these files:

    cowberry:/cygdrive/c/temp/Envision.exe.dir% ls
    ./            EN-775e.ICM  EPIE780.icm          P773Z.inf  WIN_2000.txt
    ../           EN-775e.inf  EPIE781.icm          P773z.icm  WIN_ME.txt
    510.ICM       EN-985e.ICM  EPIE781.inf          P993Z.ICM  WIN_XP.txt
    510.INF       EN-985e.inf  EPIE880.icm          P993Z.inf  epie562.cat
    AOC560.icm    EN770E.CAT   EPIE880.inf          S1770.icm  epie781.cat
    D1770.icm     EN770e.icm   En710.icm            S1770.inf  epie880.cat
    D1770.inf     EN770e.inf   En710.inf            S1785.icm  p773z.cat
    ECT700g.ICM   EN980E.CAT   En780.icm            S1785.inf  p993z.cat
    ECT700g.inf   EN980e.ICM   En780.inf            S1995.icm
    EN-7100e.inf  EN980e.inf   En910.icm            S1995.inf
    EN-7500.icm   EPIE562.icm  En910.inf            WIN95.txt
    EN-7500.inf   EPIE562.inf  Envision_15_Lcd.inf  WIN98.txt
    (Pay no attention to the fact that this was done on a Windows host.)

Browsing through the text file <En910.inf>, I came across this section:


Paydirt. I entered these numbers into my </etc/X11/xorg.conf> file:

    Section "Monitor"
            Identifier      "Envision EN-910"
            Option          "DPMS"
            HorizSync       30-95
            VertRefresh     50-160

, reissued the <startx> command on my Debian 3.1r4 host, and was greeted
with a proper graphical environment. In vibrant color.

Info forwarded FYI in case I'm not the very last dog to learn this trick.

"The dog that trots about finds a bone." --Golda Meir

Eric De Mund              |      Ixian Systems      | 
email: <ead at ixian.com>    | 650 Castro St, #120-210 | ICQ: 811788
http://www.ixian.com/ead/ | Mountain View, CA 94041 | Y!M: ead0002

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