[conspire] linuxmanship

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu Dec 7 16:20:19 PST 2006

Quoting Keith Keller (kkeller at speakeasy.net):

> > I think that would have to be a BSD advocate with an Amiga-grade
> > persecution complex, no sense of context, and a significant problem with
> > emotional stability and courtesy towards friendly strangers.
> ...those are the folks I had in mind.  ;-)

I like our BSD cousins.  Really I do -- even the majority of them
with caffeine bingeing and attitude problems.  If one is already hanging
around sysadmins anyway, it doesn't even stand out.

> If it was an attempt a trolling, it was unintentional.  But, here's a
> TCP/IP dime anyway.
>  -----
> ( 10c )
>  -----

Aw, you're a pal! 

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