[conspire] funny backup dvd

David E. Fox dfox at m206-157.dsl.tsoft.com
Mon Dec 4 09:21:24 PST 2006

On Mon, 4 Dec 2006 01:39:23 -0800 (PST)
bruce coston <jane_ikari at yahoo.com> wrote:

> if one of my file backup dvd's contains a single file of type ~mvp and it gets called an octet stream and konqueror knows not what to do , will this be a problem when trying to restore my backup ? , root is owner

I don't foresee it being an issue as far as backup/restore goes. 

Konqueror may just not be set up properly to handle files of that type,
which is at least conceivable - surely some afterinstall tweaking is
needed. You can open a terminal and run 'file' on that particular file
and see what it says.

David E. Fox                              Thanks for letting me
dfox at tsoft.com                            change magnetic patterns
dfox at m206-157.dsl.tsoft.com               on your hard disk.

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