[conspire] Running .ASP / .NET Web Apps on Linux httpds (was: I get mail)

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sat Sep 24 14:07:03 PDT 2005

Quoting Adrien Lamothe (a_lamothe at yahoo.com):

> Hey B.S., have you looked at the Mono project? Mono is a .net suite
> for Linux; it has a fully functional ASP.net implementation. You can
> check it out at http://www.mono-project.com.

Note that B.Sridhar Babu is not on this mailing list.  If _you_ want to
give him private consulting, you can do so at
sridhar.bandalamudi at ecanarys.com .

Anyhow, for those of you who _do_ participate in community discussions,
and for future searchers on the matter looking for information on
running ASP applications on Linux, my linuxmafia.com knowledgebase 
does have a fairly exhaustive entry:

"ASP" on http://linuxmafia.com/kb/Web/

Linuxmafia.com has pretty ridiculously high levels of Google "juice", so
every time we mention the solution to a frequently-asked Linux question
here, we serendipitously end up helping a lot of people.   Imagine that!

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