[conspire] Christian draws out a Sun Microsystems guy

Tony Godshall togo at of.net
Mon May 2 12:49:41 PDT 2005

According to Rick Moen,
> I note that Christian Einfeldt got to be interviewer for Sun
> Microsystems's "chief technology evangelist" Simon Phipps on the
> upcoming OO.o 2.0 and the related Java controversy:
> http://madpenguin.org/cms/html/62/4023.html
> Very much worth a read.
> Phipps wants to convince readers (mainly aiming at businessmen) that
> dependence on proprietary software is not a problem.  In a classic
> demonstration of poisoning the well, he classifies anyone who disagrees
> as an "ideologue" and as anti-business, versus himself and unstated
> others as moderates willing to "compromise".  
> I kid you not!  He really did haul out the old line about "compromise":
> Whenever you're not getting your way, obviously the problem must be that
> the other side isn't willing to compromise.  It's that simple!
> People who don't go along are described suffering from "some ideological
> boundaries that need crossing there".
> Even though Christian asks him (almost) directly, Phipps ducks the
> question of whether Sun will commit to making OO.o 2.0 functional on
> free-software / open source JRE:
>   MP: some people on the OpenOffice.org list are saying that the GCJ is
>   getting good enough to be a substitute for a JRE, others are saying
>   that's still far from being the case. What do you think? 
>   SP: I haven't really looked into that very much. I don't really have
>   an opinion on GCJ. For me, the most important thing about the Java
>   platform is creating compatibility.  {blah, blah, blah}
> One of the biggest areas of concern is 2.0's new "Base"
> integrated-database module -- which introduces gratuitous, _avoidable_ 
> dependency on proprietary JRE software.  Phipps takes a similarly lazy

So what do you think, Rick?  Will they fork?  ReallyTrulyOpenOffice?
OpenOpenOffice?  OpenSourceOffice?  StripeOffice?  (or is that to 
USA-centric a counterpoint for a project of Deutsch origin?)  
CircleOffice?  OffnenBuro? (I'd rather not type öffnenBüro tho;
umlauts are a pain)

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