[conspire] (forw) Electronics Fleamarket moves to De Anza College

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Mar 25 10:24:41 PST 2005

He's not kidding, when he says "the event starts really early" and "is
all over by noon":  The real bargain hunters get there at 4-5 AM with

I've never been that gung-ho, but have found any number of really nice
finds, there, when it was at its longtime home in the Foothill College
parking lot (Los Altos) -- including (many years ago) coming across a
fellow selling PalmPilots so absurdly cheaply that it was under my
impulse threshold.

De Anza College is on Stevens Creek Blvd. right next to the CA-85
freeway exit, Cupertino.  The Fleamarket will be in Parking Lot A,
in the campus's northeast corner.

----- Forwarded message from Paul Zander <paulz at ieee.org> -----

Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 10:12:02 -0800
From: Paul Zander <paulz at ieee.org>
To: svlug at lists.svlug.org
Subject: [svlug] Electronics Fleamarket moves to De Anza

   This is been the season for organizations looking for new homes.  At
   least one group has found a new place.

     It's official, the Electronics Flea Market is moving to
     De Anza College starting with the April 9th flea market.
     Information and directions may be found at the ASVARO
     web site at [1]http://www.asvaro.org/ . The Electronics Flea
     Market web [2]http://electronicsfleamarket.com should be shortly.

   Many years ago, local Amateur Radio clubs started running flea markets
   at Foothill College.  It grew to include all sorts of things including
   computers,  tools and many other things.  Many of you have found
   computers to run Linux, and other bargains.
   It had to move when Foothill started repaving parking lots.  Now it
   looks like a quasi-permanent home has been found.
   Free for buyers (except for college parking fees).    This event
   starts really early, and is usually well under way by 6:00AM.  It is
   all over by noon.


   1. http://www.asvaro.org/
   2. http://electronicsfleamarket.com/

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