[conspire] NDA Addendum page

Ross Bernheim rossbernheim at speakeasy.net
Tue Dec 20 23:02:06 PST 2005


Lovely stuff. A very fitting solution to the problem.


On Dec 20, 2005, at 10:31 PM, Rick Moen wrote:

> After hearing (in confidence) yet another horror story of an
> unreasonable non-disclosure agreement (NDA) suddenly sprung on people
> without prior warning, in a situation that didn't even involve a
> business relationship, I've drafted this thing:
> http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Licensing_and_Law/nda.html
> The idea is:  You print out a copy, scrawl at the bottom of the NDA
> "Addendum A incorporated by reference" just above where your signature
> will go, and hand in the sheet with your signed NDA.  They can of  
> course
> tell you it's not OK.  Depending, you might walk -- or discuss which
> of your terms aren't OK and why (and why it's OK for _them_ to  
> spring a
> surprise legal instrument on you, but turnabout is somehow not fair  
> play).
> Like all my other writings in the knowledgebase (except as noted),  
> that
> page is freely licensed under Creative Commons's Attribution- 
> ShareAlike
> 2.5 licence, a permissive copyleft licence.  Please modify to suit.

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