[conspire] brilliant Brazilian document?

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Apr 22 09:55:12 PDT 2005

Quoting Eric De Mund (ead-conspire at ixian.com):

> Can someone dig up a pointer to the, IMHO, brilliant short document some
> Brazilian open-sourcer wrote explaining why software developed with
> public funds must be kept freely available? 

Sounds like something from Sergio Amadeu.  (Premier da Silva appointed
him to head the National Information Technology Institute, after seeing
how eloquent Amadeu is on the subject.)

Amadeu's book on the subject is called "Digital Exclusion: Misery in the
Information Era", but you're obviously looking for something shorter.

Hmm, or might you have had in mind the eloquent letter from Peruvian
congressman Dr. Edgar David Villanueva Nunez to Microsoft's general
counsel in _that_ country?  If that's possibly it, then please see:

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