[conspire] keyboards, boxes, monitors available free

Christian Einfeldt einfeldt at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 30 10:38:18 PDT 2004


I'm a simple end user who loves open source.  I'm also the guy who 
is doing the Digital Tipping Point film.  We filmed some folks at 
Picn*x 13.  People give me computers because everywhere I go I rant 
about open source.  So I have mice, keyboards, boxes, monitors, 
etc., and I want to make sure that these components are used to 
help spread open source.  If you know anyone who needs stuff, 
please give me a call.

I do tend to get stuff on a regular basis.  I would prefer to give 
it someone in San Francisco, simply because I live and work there, 
and so it is much more convenient for that reason.

The other thing is that I don't have a car, because I'm also a 
greenie and I use public transportation instead.  So if you know 
someone with a car and Linux skills who needs stuff, please feel 
free to email me or call me.

Christian Einfeldt

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