[conspire] libselinux

Daniel Gimpelevich daniel at gimpelevich.san-francisco.ca.us
Wed Oct 6 14:29:39 PDT 2004

You ARE using -Uvh, right?

On Wed, 06 Oct 2004 12:26:54 -0700, Greg Dougherty wrote:

> I'm trying to get my Fedora 2 installation entirely up to date.  You would think
> this would be a simple task.  At least, I did.
> I was wrong.
> up2date has two packages it won't upgrade, fam and fam-devel.  (I'm at 2.6.10-9,
> there's an FC2 that's available.)  It won't upgrade them because they require
> libselinux 1.17.  I have libselinux 1.11.4-1 installed.  up2date doesn't appear
> to want to upgrade it, so I went out and downloaded the libselinux 1.17.13-3
> rpm.
> Now, rpm doesn't want to install libselinux, telling me:
> file <name> from install of libselinux-1.17.13-3 conflicts with file from
> package libselinux-1.11.4-1
> It says this even when I pass in the --replacepkgs flag.
> What is going on here?  Do I need to do --force?  What do I need to do in order
> to turn that damn red update baloon blue?
> TIA,
> Greg

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