[conspire] kdict on kanotix

Don Marti dmarti at zgp.org
Tue Jul 13 07:42:48 PDT 2004

begin bruce coston quotation of Mon, Jul 12, 2004 at 11:11:04PM -0700:

> Who do i scream at over the toxic crap masquerading as
> a dictionary of english, they labeled the only meaning
> for the verb can in my good pocket dictionary "Obs.,"
> that means obsolete. Then they say to use can that way
> in preferrence to may under may. I only checked 2
> words so far!
>      Does this mean i've found my open-source project?

"dict" searches several dictionaries...

including FILE, which accepts submissions.

Don Marti
http://zgp.org/~dmarti/                     Learn Linux and free software 
dmarti at zgp.org                        from the experts in California, USA 

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