[conspire] Hard disks are finally reaching 50¢/GB

Daniel Gimpelevich daniel at gimpelevich.san-francisco.ca.us
Sun Dec 19 11:24:28 PST 2004

CompUSA is having a sale today only where among the deals, they have 400GB
Seagate drives for $199.99 after rebate. The scary thing is how easy it
still is to run out of spaces even on those drives. DV sure gobbles bytes
at an alarming rate. Seems like only yesterday I picked up a 20GB Samsung
at the Robert Austin show for around $80, and I have a 30MB RLL drive
sitting around that cost somewhere in the vicinity of $995, including the
SCSI bridge board. I guess 4TB optical discs that sell at current CD-R
prices must be just around the corner...

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