[conspire] Re: RHL 9 Install problems

Sean Neakums sneakums at zork.net
Thu Jul 10 13:30:27 PDT 2003

Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> writes:

> Anyhow, to recap:  You have a whopping big hard drive.  RH9 has problems
> installing onto it.  You think it has an ext2 partition on it, but
> running _even_ the LNX-BBC 2.1's fsck.ext2 on it brings up a bogus (?)
> complaint of the partition being mounted.  

In all likelihood, this is because the LNX-BBC will have mounted all
of the filesystems it could find, read-only, under /mnt/ro.  umount
/dev/hda2 won't work because the BBC uses devfs.  Probably the OP
followed your advice to check the output of mount and successfully got
it umounted before running fsck.ext2, however.

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